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Icons cannot be removed from FireFox Tool Bar

Pages: 1
Posted:  08 May 2011 19:47
FireShot 0.89
MS Windows 7, English
FireFox 4.0.1

I prefer the FireShot condensed menu since I use the default setting the majority of the time. I cannot remove the small icons from the Tool Bar for the individual options: Save, Edit, etc.

Try #1
Tools >AddOns >FireBug >options
I could find no settings here.

Try #2
Views >Toolbars >Customize
I could add the main FireShot icon to the Navigation Bar and get the condensed menu that I like to use with all the options.

I could not drag off the small FireBug icons for the various options: Save, Edit, etc. I think it is because they activate when I click them to drag them off. I am not a technical person, so I am not certain if this is the problem.
Posted:  08 May 2011 19:55
Only whole icons set can be removed from the bottom of Firefox. This can be done via FireShot > Preferences
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Posted:  09 May 2011 02:02   Last Edited By: Ashford
The Preferences setting you mention has a check box for the Tools Menu, but not the Tool Bar. In FF4, the Tool Bar is a new navigation system.

Aha! As I typed that last sentence, I remembered reading the Tool Bar replaced the Status Bar in FF4. I went back to Preferences, removed the check mark from Status Bar, and that worked.

So this issue is not really a bug, but you may consider a change in the Preferences list during the next update.

I appreciate your guidance and support.
Posted:  09 May 2011 21:50
Ashford, thanks for pointing at it. I think I'll replace the name of this option as you suggested. thumb_up
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  22 Dec 2013 19:54
Would be nice to get some update on this. Preference list needs to be updated.
Pages: 1

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