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Screen capture chrome extension 0.89 problems

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Posted:  08 May 2011 19:28   Last Edited By: loby
fireshot version 0.89 pb

firefox crashes whenever i click the fireshot icon to select an area and open it with an external software

firefox 4/windows 7
Posted:  08 May 2011 19:47
At what step?
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Posted:  11 May 2011 00:47   Last Edited By: loby
found out that fireshot 0.89 is incompatible with "status-4-evar" extension, firefox crashes when i try to make a screenshot...
Posted:  11 May 2011 00:59   Last Edited By: loby
other incompatibility pb, i cant change fireshot preferences when addon "classic compact option" is enabled
Posted:  11 May 2011 01:27
Posted:  15 May 2011 15:03
Thanks, can you please type in the address bar "about:crashes" and send me the links for the crash reports you mentioned?

As of regarding of the link to the mozillazine forum - I think it's addressed to 0.88 version which is out of date. I believe the bug described was fixed in 0.89 version.
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Posted:  15 May 2011 18:01
crash report about incompatibility pb with "status-4-evar"


the incompatibilty pb with "classic compact option" still not resolved with 0.89, cant modify fireshot preferences
Posted:  17 May 2011 09:43
Spent 2 days researching the crash problem. Recreated the situation where status-4-evar + classic compact theme lead to crash. Still have no ideas why. My recommendation is to switch off one of the components until a fix from these addons or Firefox developers is available.

the incompatibilty pb with "classic compact option" still not resolved with 0.89, cant modify fireshot preferences

Fixed this issue, thanks. The fix will be available in the next release. Until that, simply press enter instead of pressing the "Close" button and the settings will be applied just fine.
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Posted:  17 May 2011 10:45   Last Edited By: loby
Thx JK !

Great addon anyway biggrin
Posted:  17 May 2011 19:13
Guys, I think, I fixed the issues reported. Can you check it by installing this version: https://screenshot-program.com/dloads/fireshot_89_fixed.xpi ?
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Posted:  17 May 2011 23:27   Last Edited By: loby
Everything OK now !

Thx JK
Posted:  18 May 2011 08:13
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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