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FireShot screenshot extension capturing Firebug tab (and not the content zone)

Pages: 1
Posted:  01 May 2011 11:53
I'm currently using Fireshot Free 0.88 on Firefox 4.0.1 on Windows 7.
The following bug occurs when Firebug tab is displayed : Fireshot tries to capture the Firebug tab content (displaying a cross, to indicate where to start the capture zone), and if I move my mouse over the content window (the 80% of the screen which are not hidden by Firebug), the cross disappears, to indicate me Fireshot is not active.

So I need to hide Firebug before using Firebug (and in some cases, to restart Firefox, to be able to capture again).

I hope it will help you to solve this bug.
Posted:  03 Apr 2012 10:39
I've got the same problem with Firefox 11.
This bug is 11 months old and still no reaction!
Posted:  06 Apr 2013 22:01
has anyone tried this with the latest version of FF yet?
Posted:  07 Apr 2013 08:28
With Firefox 20 and Fireshot 0.98.31 the problem is not present
Pages: 1

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