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Viewing thumbnails (I hope that's the right term)

Pages: 1
Posted:  03 Dec 2019 06:25
I have a technical question, and in order to explain it beyond missunderstanding I will furnish a practical visual example. This example is from a political website I came across, and I am certain there will be users who feel this is inappropriate and vent their indignation. If you have a 'neutral' website where this phenomenon also can be studied, give me the link and I will gladdly replace it.

After having got this out of the way, here's the issue: At https://www.uriasposten.net/archives/95578#comments there's a comment, #38, containing this link:

https://www.nordfront.se/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/FireShot-Screen-Capture-001-Barbara-L-Spectre-p%C3%A5-Twitter_-_@MajorFredS-Israel-is-a-tiny- ...

There I learned about Fireshot. What I don't understand is how do they make that a thumbnail JPG can be viewed in 2 sizes - compressed and normal. I have only Windows-Fotoanzeige with zoom, no scroll.

Is this a function of their website? Or can I have this performed without a website?
Posted:  04 Dec 2019 10:25
I'm sure, this is a function of the web browser you're using.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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Posted:  04 Dec 2019 10:32
What about making 'something like that' for everybody (I'm a layman, have no real idea)? It appears quite practical, compared to an image viewer that can only zoom, not scroll.
Posted:  04 Dec 2019 11:49
Hmm, I'm not sure where you want it to be implemented. FireShot is an extension for taking captures, this is not an image viewer.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  05 Dec 2019 04:20
You're right, my idea is vague. But what I mean to see here is an 'image viewer' (although as a website function) where I cannot just zoom in and out, but have 1 practical viewing size, and a scroll function. Maybe such a software doesn't exist yet, plus it would be handy to have for Fireshot?
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