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User Agent Modification

Pages: 1
Posted:  29 Jan 2008 21:51

I would like to start by saying that I really like this plugin, however, the bug(s) I am about to report prevent me (and my team) from using it.

Your plugin, in the same vain as mal-ware/spy-ware, modifies (without any legitimate reason) the user's User Agent to include the "FireShot" title and your website URL.

This information has no business in a client's User Agent string, and serves no purpose other than advertising for you (even though it's not as if people view user agent data to see this "advertising")

Furthermore, the installation of this plugin causes many sites with browser detection (which is based on the User Agent string) to fail, preventing guests from browsing those sites.

As far as this bug is concerned, it's a pretty major issue, as it could prevent people from accessing sites they wish to browse, and it also tarnishes the name of your product/company by making you appear to be the producers of mal-ware/spy-ware, as those are the only types of applications to do something along these lines. (also see below comment about uninstall issues)

As I stated above, I do like your plugin, and would love to be able to use it at work.  I even went as far as to get our development team to try it for submitting site issues to our QA department, and it works wonderfully for that.  However, it resulted in our team not being able to browse our own site.

Since then, I've had to personally aid in the removal of your plugin from all their systems, due to the user agent issue. (as well as apologize to my colleagues for having them install an application that wanders off where it does not belong and modifies data that does not pertain to its function)

To make matters worse... when your plugin is uninstalled, it does not strip it's settings from the prefs.js file in Firefox, and it does not remove it's modification to the user agent.  Users are forced to manually edit the prefs.js file to remove all your  modifications to return their User Agent to its appropriate value.

So in summery...
  1: I actually do like your plugin.
  2: Please remove malicious User Agent modifications from your plugin.
  3: Please have the uninstall process remove all its modifications to prefs.js

Thanks for taking the time to read this post.  I'd love to see these changes made so both I, and the development team here at my office can start using the plugin again.

Sr. Developer - Disney.com
Posted:  30 Jan 2008 00:49
Thanks, as I stated in other posts, the problem will be solved in next release. Please be patient.
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Posted:  30 Jan 2008 02:08
I have not seen the uninstall issue addressed in any other posts, or any mention as to why you are inserting data into the User Agent string in the first place.  I'm curious to hear about both issues.


Sr. Developer - Disney.com
Posted:  30 Jan 2008 05:01
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  08 Feb 2008 20:29   Last Edited By: Exavior
The post you linked to does not answer either of the two questions I just asked.

1:  Why is your plugin modifying the User Agent in the first place, as it has no logical reason to?

2:  Why does your uninstall not remove all settings data pertaining to your plugin?

These are both rater serious issues that are preventing your plugin from being adopted for use by professional developers.

Sr. Developer - Disney.com
Posted:  08 Feb 2008 22:17   Last Edited By: JK
Please update to 0.35 version.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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