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Using Fireshot and Screenshot Studio together

Pages: 1
Posted:  27 Jan 2008 17:41
Hi, I have the trial version of SS, and Fireshot 0.32.

In the options box of FS i check "Add annotation to PNG for later editing in ScreenShot studio". (actually, it was pre-checked, but i re-checked it just the same).

I then make a screenshot from fireshot, annotate it and save it as .png.

Opening the png in VI shows me that the annotations are indeed stored as structured data (i.e. i can see the annotation text as plain text in the file).

I then right click the SS tray icon, and choose "Load file into ScreenShot Studio", and select my png.

Screenshot Studio then loads forever (i.e. lots of harddisk activity for pagefile.sys (filemon)), and pops up the image in "Windows Fax and Image Viewer".

Hmm, ok I says, I then associate PNGs with screenshot studio. I then double click the PNG, and get "Windows Fax and Image viewer" again.

Ok. I then right click the PNG and choose "Edit", which promptly spawns Microsoft Paint.

Aha, i thought. I'm going about it all wrong. So in fireshot i said "Take screenshot and..."->"edit in external editor". thinking this would be Screenshot Studio.
Again this gave me MSPaint.

Any clues?
Is this a restriction of the free trial version of screenshot studio?

Oh btw, the "Install now" link on the website points to the 0.30 version which just returns "File not found" when trying to install. I had to go the mozilla directly and find the correct link.
Posted:  27 Jan 2008 17:59
Minor update. I just tried rebooting my laptop *just in case* but the fileassociations are still wrong.

In addition, screenshot studio now throws an "External Exception EEFFACE" when trying to open the PNGs from fireshot.
Posted:  27 Jan 2008 18:47
Thanks for pointing at it.
A fix will be available soon.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  31 Jan 2008 11:57
same problem to me, I would strongly appreciate that this feature would work.

It would be also very, very nice to save a fireshot to your project data to rework it later with your studio.
Posted:  06 Feb 2008 17:52
This bug has been fixed. Changes will be available in next relesae in a couple of days I think.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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