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Screenshot of a full page does not match chrome window, extra width and color stripe at bottom

Pages: 1
Posted:  17 Jun 2013 21:20
Fireshot 0.98.34
Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
Mozilla SeaMonkey 2.16
Load my page (I am using XAMPP for a local test site), use Fireshot to capture entire page, image is wider to the right and has white where it should be background image at the bottom.

I am using CSS that includes :before and :after psuedo-elements to make full width header and footer. The CSS has a rule for "html {overflow-x:hidden}".
When I use Fireshot to capture the Browser window, it looks correct. Only the bottom of the page is incorrect, and it isn't even where the footer is. The problem is right above the footer, and the extra width to the right. The psuedo-elements extend to both sides, but the extra is only shown on the right.

Browser window capture:  https://s24.postimg.org/oxkguwmh1/capture254_Clan_Gordon_sub_Theme_I_Joy_s_Weaver_II.jpg

Entire page capture:  https://s14.postimg.org/vkm0oi3xt/capture253_Clan_Gordon_sub_Theme_I_Joy_s_Weaver_II.jpg
Posted:  20 Jun 2013 21:35
Hi Joyously, looks like this is a tough one. Have you made any progress to this yet?
Posted:  21 Jun 2013 17:45
This morning I figured out that my CSS for the background image is confusing for a screenshot for entire page. I have
body {background-attachment: fixed; background-size: cover}
so it shows the image over the whole page without moving on scroll, but if I request a screenshot of the entire page, how should that look?
Fireshot is showing the image at the top correctly as in the browser window, and it's fixed, so it doesn't show at the bottom.
When I tried it in Chrome with some other screenshot extension, it shows a little white line where the image stops and then repeats the image at the bottom.

For Mozilla, if I use Firebug to change the attachment to scroll, the image is scaled differently, but the screenshot shows the image over the whole page.
I haven't made any headway on why the screenshot is wide to the right. On the Chrome attempt (not Fireshot), it is not wide. I did take a screenshot of the web page where I got my CSS for the full width bars (https://css-tricks.com/examples/FullBrowserWidthBars/), and it worked just fine. But it is a simple demo page, whereas mine has many nested divs.
I found that the other theme I am using this same full width bar CSS on is having the same trouble of being too wide to the right.
If there's a CSS reason for the width, I need to fix it, but the other screenshot program doesn't show the problem... Here is where you can see the other one on the web: https://weaverdemos.aspenthemeworks.com/?wii_theme=Moderno  to try it yourself.
Posted:  22 Jun 2013 05:49
Thank you for pointing at it. I'll research this issue!
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Posted:  22 Jun 2013 08:43
I think I fixed it, can you try this build please: https://screenshot-program.com/dloads/fireshot_amo_98_39.xpi
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  23 Jun 2013 05:53
Thanks for the fix. It fixed the 'wide to the right' problem.
The fixed background image still shows the background color at the bottom, but I don't know how you would fix it. Like I said, the extension I tried on Chrome repeated the image, but had a thin line between them. And my own workaround was to change fixed to scroll and then capture. I don't know what the right answer is.
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