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How do I install in Safari & Chrome browsers?

Pages: 1
Posted:  09 Jun 2013 18:33
Win 7 OS SP1
FireShot latest version
Chrome latest version
Safari latest version
How do I install FS into Chrome and Safari?
Posted:  10 Jun 2013 06:38
FireShot is not available for Safari, sorry. To install FS into Chrome, please follow the FS home at Chrome Web Store and click Add to Chrome:  https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/capture-webpage-screensho/mcbpblocgmgfnpjjppndjkmgjaogfceg
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  15 Jun 2013 01:12
That's unfortunate. Are there any plans of developing Fireshot for safari in the future? Would be nice to extend this software for MAC users.
Posted:  15 Jun 2013 01:28
I use Safari for Windows.  Safari is not just an Apple product.  It works very well.  Odd, since it is on the same structure that Firefox uses.  Although, Safari's latest version is so much better than Firefox.  Chrome is finally getting to where it is a nice browser, albeit it does use way to much memory then it says it does.
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