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FireShot - Full webpage screenshot tool support forum / FireShot Browser Extension / Bug Reports

Email option does not work

Pages: 1
Posted:  04 Jun 2013 07:29
I use the latest version of FireShot in FF 21 on my Windows Vista Home Basic 32-bit laptop. Great and extremely useful extension! There is one feature that does not work for me though - sending captured and edited image via Email. When I click Mail button, I have the IE-9 window opening and trying to connect to my Outlook account. Each time it fails to do so. The message reads: "We're having problems signing you in to some email programs. You might see an error message if you try to sync your email in Outlook Hotmail Connector, MSN Premium, or Windows Live Mail." However, I can easily log in automatically into my Outlook account from IE Bookmarks. At the same time, there is no visible way in the Settings to set the Email account or Email Client for that purpose. This is too bad, because it is a very important feature in FireShot extension - to go straight to the Email Client. Any suggestions for me? Thanks.
Posted:  15 Jun 2013 01:14
Hi buddy, looks like this is still unanswered. Have you tried creating a support ticket about this already?
Posted:  15 Jun 2013 04:29
Thanks. I had some discussion going at   FireShot Support / Bug Reports /
Email feature does not work
Pages: 1

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