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Mouse pointe rgoing to upper left corner

Pages: 1
Posted:  21 Jul 2016 11:51

I use this software allot. After needing to reinstall my work pc I now have newest version and have and issue. After capturing a certain page (doing this around 5-10 times a day) my mouse pointer goes to the upper left corner and keeps going there very fast so basically cnt use my touchpad anymore, can use touchscreen. Also ctrl-c, ctrl-a etc doesnt work anymore. If I close IE11 it doenst close, i i close it in taskmanager, my mouse is back to normal. In the beginning i thought it was my touchscreen so I rebooted pc every time. But now I found out it allways happens when use fireshot to make a screenshot of a certain intraweb page where he needs to sroll up and down do get full page. And if I force close ie11 it stops so has to be the fireshot plugin doing this.

kind regards
Pages: 1



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