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Screenshots coming out blurry in OneNote 2016

Pages: 1
Posted:  12 Jul 2016 13:01
This was a message I posted in Premium support area that's not received any response at all so i'm posting it in the non-premium area to see if anyone can help.

Plugin version: 0.98.87
OS: Windows 10 x64, English
Browser: Firefox 47.0.1

I’m trying to capture a number of pages from Firefox straight into OneNote 2016 Desktop but sometimes (a lot) pages are coming in blurry\out of focus.

For instance here’s a couple of pages from the same site, just basic text and tables. The first one comes over fine and is easily readable while the second one comes in blurry.

URL OK: https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1116042
URL Blurry: https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1115955#Howtobuildfromsourcecode?-Prerequisites

It doesn’t matter if I use full screen or section the result is the same.

This appears to be a problem with the transfer to OneNote because if I select edit instead of send to OneNote the page is NOT blurry in the Fireshot editor. If I then click the send to OneNote button the page then appears in OneNote blurry.

I purchased Fireshot specifically to send Firefox pages to OneNote which I’m not able to do reliably at the moment.

Posted:  13 Jul 2016 19:15
Thanks for reporting that. This problem is caused by long captures (as OneNote thinks).

A fix will be available within 3-4 weeks.
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Posted:  03 Aug 2016 11:55
I'm looking to purchase FireShot Pro for OneNote. Has the issue reck reporting been fixed?
Posted:  03 Aug 2016 12:12
Hi ukshazad,

That's the main reason I purchased it as well. It's a great plugin and works well but it sort of defeats the purpose of me purchasing it if the images aren't any good in OneNote.

Remember though this is a problem with OneNote, not Fireshot. Even if you insert the image yourself ion to ON nstead of using Fireshot it still comes out looking crap.

When I spoke to the dev he said he's currently looking at it and hopes to have a fix in 4 weeks or so. I've not heard any update since then so I don't know how he's getting on with it.
Posted:  03 Aug 2016 12:35
Hi Reck,

Thanks for the update. Hopefully the developer can find a fix.

I'm not happy with page/image quality of Microsoft OneNote Clipper and was hoping FireShot Pro may be answer.  I was happy with testing I've done with FireShot Pro but then found this thread.

Struggling to find a good tool to save/capture web pages.
Posted:  03 Aug 2016 13:10
I'm in the same boat as well having moved from Evernote after the latest change.

I'm generally happy with OneNote but Evernote did have a much better web clipper and the pages came out looking good.

Hopefully JK can find some kind of workaround to get around this limitation in OneNote.
Posted:  15 Aug 2016 23:32   Last Edited By: JK
Thanks, the fix will be introduced soon. It takes more time than I expected because of the problems with the new Firefox 48 release.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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Posted:  24 Aug 2016 12:21

I noticed an update has been released. Does this fix the OneNote problem?
Posted:  24 Aug 2016 22:28   Last Edited By: JK
Not yet, sorry. We have some problems with the latest update. But it will be available in 4-6 days.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  26 Aug 2016 14:09
Firefox support released: https://getfireshot.com/fireshot-install.exe
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  28 Aug 2016 18:11
Hi JK,

I captured a page in the previous version and it came out blurry in OneNote. I've just updated to the latest version that you've just linked to and the same page is now crystal clear and the quality is excellent.

Thankyou for the fix and providing it in such a quick time, great work.
Posted:  28 Aug 2016 19:11
Thanks reck, appreciate your feedback! thumb_up
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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