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Chrome crash when creating "New Folder" during "Save As..." operation

Pages: 1
Posted:  12 Jul 2016 16:26
i have been experiencing this for quite some time.

The Fireshot Pro plugin crashes inside Chrome when creating "New Folder" during "Save As..." operation.

That is, when you are prompted to save the capture (PDF or image), and you click "New Folder' from within Windows Explorer, this causes the crash. To be clear, Chrome itself continues to run.

What happens next is actually related to another common Fireshot bug. This crash reverts my Fireshot Pro edition back to Fireshot Free / Basic edition. I have to relaunch Chrome, edit my Fireshot Licensing information, and resets back to Pro.

Very annoying bug.

The crash happens in Chrome 51.
It used to happen in Firefox too (before v47).
In FF, it was the same behavior, with a full crash of the browser.

Good luck guys. You built a great plugin.
Posted:  13 Jul 2016 19:29
Thank you for reporting that! We'll check this issue.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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