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Paid twice; no response

Pages: 1
Posted:  08 Jul 2016 15:42
I bought my initial Fireshot lifetime license on April 27, 2016, GET160427-8969-29230.  On May 15, 2016 my computer crashed, and I lost everything.  I immediately posted that fact on your website and requested a license reissue.  I did not receive an answer, so I sent you an email to that effect on May 20, 2016.  Because I had already paid for a lifetime license, I needed to know how to get and reinstall the program.  I never received an answer to that email, so I downloaded the program to my new computer, and was told to send another $39.95 to get a license.  That license is GET160601-1842-88173.

I have now paid for two licenses and I am, and forever will be, only using one license.  I have never received any contact from you regarding this issue.  I tried to find my initial post on your website to see if there was an answer there, but it has disappeared.  Also, I can find no phone number or address on your website, so how can I talk to somebody about this?
Pages: 1



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