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Fireshot for IE shows as pro in about, but PDF links don't work

Pages: 1
Posted:  14 Jul 2016 18:13
When I use the chrome version, the filename starts with "Fireshot Pro Screen Capture" and the links work.  When I use IE it's just "Fireshot Screen Capture" and links don't work
Posted:  15 Jul 2016 02:31
To clarify, I use chrome with outlook both at home and at the office.

My "boss" uses IE and web-based gmail.

This works perfectly for me.  I created a web-based database using MS Access and Sharepoint.  We need the ability to quickly and easily email a PDF with clickable links.

My setup works flawlessly so far, but he's having problems because A) The IE version doesn't give clickable links, and B) since he's using gmail it won't begin the email.  I think we could get around that if we could just get clickable links working in PDFs creating in IE.

Posted:  21 Jul 2016 12:58   Last Edited By: JK
Yes, the links are working only for Chrome at the moment. We're working to deliver the links in PDFs to all browsers.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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