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FireShot - Full webpage screenshot tool support forum / FireShot Browser Extension / Premium Support

Enterprise solution

Pages: 1
Posted:  27 Feb 2019 22:23
Dear Fireshot,

First let me say, this is superb app, I wish everyone in my company agrees but yet they havn't been introduced.

I am planning to introduce it this way as it will tailerd for us (if possible)
1- Corporate license - needed ..250 users.
2- Trailered remapping of setting for extension, for example, can our IT modify settings or push them where it shows specific menu such us (Take screenshot of entire page and save to specific folder through sFTP) - I will try to set up cloud folder where only our VPN can access and maybe we can use that as editing platform and share between our users since no one can see these but us (VPN tunneling)

I understand this long shot but I would like your support for this idea and it may turn to a thing, like what gyazo uses.

Pages: 1



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