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Default Tool Button Action

Pages: 1
Posted:  10 Apr 2009 02:47
fireshot 0.69
xp pro 2
firefox 3.0.8

Is it possible to set the Default Tool Button Action to something other than ctrl/alt/z ?
The problem is that this is the same keyboard combination that I use for many other programs - in particular Photoshop CS3.
My mouse is programmed with several keystroke combination, and ctrl/alt/z is very important because it is the keystroke combination used for doing multiple undo in Photoshop. You would think it would not matter if I only use it in Photoshop, since I am not navigating a web page - But, I also use the ctrl/alt/z as a general undo in other programs - including browsing (if I were to undo text entered in a toolbar for example). I do not have room on my mouse for a separate ctrl/z-only quick key.
Also, the ctrl/alt/z Fireshot Default Tool Button Action is of course very similar to the much used ctrl/z combo, so I sometimes accidentally capture a page yet again.

Can I possibly change the Default Tool Button Action, or can you change it in the next version?

It would seem to make sense to simply have a Default Tool Button Action that is not at all similar to other common keyboard commands, maybe it could be ctrl/alt/m for example.

Any advice is appreciated. I have the free version now, and love it, but I can't upgrade until I figure out a way to address this.
Posted:  11 Apr 2009 11:54
Hello, currently there's no option to change this key from the preferences, but people have discovered a way to change it using small hack. Please check out this topic: https://screenshot-program.com/sup/art435.htm
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Posted:  17 May 2014 19:19
+1 to this please. Would be very nice if this gets developed to be one of the features.
Pages: 1

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