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Border width of shapes should be definable

Pages: 1
Posted:  04 Feb 2011 11:32

I use FireShot 0.88 in Firefox 3.6.13 on Windows XP.

I have added an empty rectangle shape to a screenshot.

Now I need to style the shape = the border of the rectangle:
- The shape should be some pixels broad (e.g. 2 pixels)
- The shape should be able to be transparent to some degree (e.g. 60%)

I think that is not possible currently, right?
It would be great, if you could add these options! :-)
Posted:  30 Jun 2013 15:59
Hi Chris, I was just checking on this. Have you figured out what's wrong here?
Posted:  01 Jul 2013 23:07
As far as I see, it's a missing feature.

If the shape of the border could be styled, that would be great. :-)
Pages: 1

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