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The image stretches

Pages: 1
Posted:  09 Sep 2023 15:20
When I captured the entire website, the image in color illustration(https://gyazo.com/3d557400f231c9279755bb09e35fb092) format stretched vertically at a certain point, extending to the end of the article. As a result, none of the text that should appear after that image was captured.(https://gyazo.com/b9b2892f415d8c8a7b65ceaed674632c)

While this website contains several illustration images and photos, I could capture other sections without any issues.

Plugin version: FireShot Pro for Chrome v.1.12.18 (64-bit)
OS type and version:Mac Ventura 13.5.1
Version of browser:Chrome Version  116.0.5845.140(Official Build) (64-bit)
 ※I had no problems with Firefox.   Firefox Version 117.0  (64-bit) 
   ※Safari displayed 'Preview not available because the image is too big'.

Steps to reproduce the bug:
1. Open the page
2. Click on FireShot icon and select Capture entire page
3. The scroll starts, but the screenshot shows that the image is stretched.

Webpage URL causing this problem: It is password protected, so it isn't open in the Web
Pages: 1



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