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Crashing Firefox all the time

Pages: 1
Posted:  11 Aug 2023 03:26
Something has gone very wrong with Fireshot the last few weeks...

Firstly, I am on the latest Firefox, using FS Version 1.12.18 - Last Updated 22 June 2023

What happens is that I take a full page screenshot - It does its scrolling, camera shutter etc, then does its save dialogue then when I hit enter, it pops up its Saving dialogue.

Now this can take a LONG time, but if I interrupt it in any way (like trying to change tab or do anything at all in Firefox, sometimes even click on it) then Firefox is dead, and I have to completely restart it - Fireshot locks it.

This is a problem if the save is taking a minute or two or somehow completely locked. It means I have to restart Firefox after every couple of Fireshots, which isn't really very useful.

It's new - It didn't used to do this!
Pages: 1



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