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Sometimes I can't use scroll wheel when I use 'Capture Selected area and...'

Pages: 1
Posted:  23 Aug 2023 10:57   Last Edited By: KooH
Plugin version (i.e. FireShot 0.98.15)
: FireShot 1.12.18
OS type and version (i.e. MS Windows XP Professional SP2, English)
: Windows 10 Education 64bit (10.0, Build 19045)
Version of browser (i.e. Firefox/30.0)
: Google Chrome 116.0.5845.97 (64bit)
Steps to reproduce the bug (i.e. Start browser, open FireShot editor, create a shape and try to save - you'll get an access violation xxxxxx)
: When I use 'Capture Selected area and...' and use scroll wheel of mouse to capture long scroll of website
Webpage URL causing this problem
: https://gallog.dcinside.com/clashcombo/guestbook

When I capture a screenshot, I found that can't use scroll wheel on this website.
But there is not problem on most of websites.
To be more exact, even if i scroll down the mouse wheel but the capture area doesn't stretch.
Is this a problem of website? Even I purchase Fireshot pro, this problem doesn't be resolved.

I recorded this problem as video
: https://youtu.be/WIMxhcsAR6c
Pages: 1



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