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Strange security problem with saved file in IE 8

Pages: 1
Posted:  07 Oct 2010 04:34
First, FS is a great add-on for FF, I'm using it frequently.  I've also recommended the pro version to my boss who does these kind of things all the time, so the annotation capabilities are great.  She is more an of an IE user, so this is will greatly affect her.

I've been using it with no problems in FF, and I have installed it in IE.  Today, I needed to show a difference in IE versus FF, so I decided to screenshot both.  It naturally worked in FF, but when I saved the screenshot from IE, the file was not available inside of Explorer.  When I open the location in Windows Explorer, the file is not there.  However, when I open the FS edit and click Save, the file IS there.  There is something wrong with the permissions, no matter where I save the file.  I was able to open the properties of the file from the FS save dialog, and the security tab says that the security information is not available.  This happens if I use 64- or 32-bit IE.

What could be causing this?  All of the other features work in IE, and the saving does work, but it's just not available to me.  I had to copy the screenshot from FS to the clipboard and use Photoshop to save a new file.  Very strange, thoughts/suggestions?
Posted:  08 Jan 2011 13:13
Security information not being available is not a concern and may not have resulted in the behavior you reported.

It would be helpful if you were to mention the version of the IE and also download Windows Media Encoder 9.0 or Camstudio, record a video of what you are trying to explain and then attach the video to this report.

We know you can't attach directly, so you may have to ftp it somewhere and give us a link to see how to reproduce this issue.
Posted:  11 Apr 2011 07:58
Currently FireShot is saving the files into the virtualized area. You can find your captures by searching through "%appdata%\..\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Virtualized\C"
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