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FirfoxPro is a no go

Pages: 1
Posted:  29 Sep 2010 21:31
0.85 FireShot 0.85
MS Windows XP SP 3
Firefox 3.6.10
Bought Firehot Pro. Where is a real person to help?
Fireshot pro was supposed to be changed over according to your instructions but desktop short  cut didn't work. at each boot said put in license code @ name/ owner wouldn't take it  said invalid or whatever it says. I put in license from plug-in > enter code. I  got no download link from Pro from Avangate. No way to see version because I don't think it installed right as there was just the  plug- in icon on desktop and Firefox. Same icon on desktop. I had to uninstall studio version so I have nothing. What's with all the problems in support?  I don't like it  taking over key!
Why can't I access the program alone-- not web plugin only?
Pages: 1



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