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pointer tool not working

Pages: 1
Posted:  21 Jul 2020 23:48
I have not been able to get the pointer tool to work for several months nows.  I think the problem started around Feb. 2020 and I don't know what plugin version that was.  It is still not working using version 0.98.98.
My OS is Windows 10.  Currently using Firefox 78.0.2.
This tool is not working no matter what webpage I access and attempt to screenshot.
Steps to reproduce:  I use capture selection and edit.  When I try to draw a pointer, it starts off looking like it will, then when I click and drag, I only get the textbox, no pointer.
I know it used to work.  Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Thanks for the help!
Posted:  22 Jul 2020 18:23
Hello, can you please select the Shape tool in the top toolbar to check, if that works for you?
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Posted:  04 Aug 2020 22:35
Yes.  Selecting SHAPE tool does work.  I can have a circle and text.  Change colors.  I tried the snipping tool but can't paste here.  So I hope that was just a test to see if I can do something other than just text.  BTW, drawing works too.  Cool.  Never tried that before.

As I'm dragging the arrow pointer, I see a popup for precise selection - I don't remember seeing that before.  As I use the cursor to type, I see the pointer and it has the arrows pointing left and right, but it's just the regular pointer.  I used to be able to drag it to point before I type and that's the part that's not working.

I also looked at the settings and all of the styles are still on the default, set styles.

Anything else I can check?
Posted:  05 Aug 2020 17:06
I'm sorry, it's very hard to understand the problem, because despite it looks clearly for you, from my side I see a bunch of alternatives of how to interpret your description. Could you please share a short video with a description of the problem? That would help us greatly.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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Posted:  10 Aug 2020 00:07
hey, thanks for the help!  I took a video, but I don't see any way to attach it here.  Could you send instructions or tell me where to read?
Posted:  10 Aug 2020 16:43
Hello Ruth, please send it to contacts@getfireshot.com, thank you.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  16 Aug 2020 00:19
Sent 8-15-20 at 6:19 EDT.  Thanks!  Ruth
Posted:  16 Aug 2020 06:58
Thank you! You can fix that problem in the FireShot Options. Please open: Options->Editing->Display and check the first 4 preferences in the dialog.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  27 Aug 2020 02:05
No, no!  Thank YOU.  Must be operator error!  But it used to work so I hope I can't take all the credit.  ;-)  That solved it.

Now, I'm going to figure out why my watermark isn't working.  If I can't find it, you will be the first to know.  :-O

Thank you for your time and troubleshooting!
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