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please let text be changable after lading an .ssp file (text in shapes)

Pages: 1
Posted:  18 Aug 2008 20:41
Thanks for your cool program. It would help, if you would the shape-text still available in the .ssp file. To me it looks like, as if it is just one bitmap. If it would still be a text that I could change, it would help me to correct the texts.
Posted:  19 Aug 2008 06:48
Hello, thank you.

Why did you decide that this text is a bitmap. I created two screenshots, added some shapes and text annotations, then I saved it to .ssp file, then re-opened and corrected the texts.

Possibly are you talking about saving .ssp from FireShot and opening it in Screenshot Studio ?
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Posted:  15 Jun 2014 13:41
Hi FFt, I was just wondering about this. Were you able to get this working already?
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