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FireShot - Full webpage screenshot tool support forum / FireShot Browser Extension / Enhancement and Feature Requests

Multiple monitor support, print-button as hotkey

Pages: 1
Posted:  27 Jul 2008 01:22
Screenshot Studio would be an option for our company if some improvements are made to it:

* Bug: It doesn't work with multiple monitor setups!!!
* New feature: EVERY key should be usable as hotkey for every function, at least the PrtScr-Button!
* New feature: There should be a choosable hotkey more funcions, like "screenshot and add to a new mail".
* Bug: With the big "S" moved to the far left edge of the screen (where my taskbar is placed vertically), the toolbar still opens to the left and off the screen so that it half disappears.
* New feature: It should be available in a german version. If you need help in translating it, I'd appreciate if you would ask me for it.
Posted:  05 Jul 2014 19:00
There should be a choosable hotkey more funcions, like "screenshot and add to a new mail".

I'd like to have that feature also please.
Pages: 1

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