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Pale Moon compatibility suddenly gone

Pages: 1
Posted:  01 Sep 2018 03:40
Big problem: I have been using Pale Moon Portable 27.9.0 until yesterday with FireShot 0.98.85. Everything worked perfectly.
Today I updated the browser to Pale Moon Portable 28.0.1 and suddenly FireShot 0.98.85 was stated to be "incompatible" and greyed out. Looking for a newer version I came upon version which is said to have Pale Moon 27+ compatibility added, however when trying to install this, I got the message "is incompatible because webextension format" (which Pale Moon does not support). However also PM 27 did not support webextension, so if that is true, then version must have been incompatible with PM 27, as well. Especially since the makers of Pale Moon promised that extensions that worked with version 27 will continue to work with version 28. Is ther any help? Fire Shot really is the ONLY tool that reliably captures long webpages.

Windows 7 Professional (Deutsch)
Pale Moon Portable 28.0.1 32bit (English)
Fire Shot 0.98.85 and newer
Posted:  01 Sep 2018 06:32
Hello, currently only the Pro version supports Palemoon 27+ (we're working on delivering FireShot to addons.palemoon.org). This should take a week or so, I think. Alternatively, you can try to override capability - I remember, there was a couple of extensions (for Firefox) to play with it. May be there's a similar solution for Palemoon too.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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