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FireShot screenshot extension doesn't want to screen the whole web page

Pages: 1
Posted:  24 Aug 2018 23:09   Last Edited By: Lynna
(First of all, english isn't my first language, but I'll try my best. Moreover, I wasn't sure if I should post it here or in the "public support" section, I hope I didn't make a mistake)

¤ Plugin version : FireShot
¤ OS type and version : windows 8.1
¤ Version of browser : Firefox Quantum 61.0.2 (64bits)
¤ Steps to reproduce the bug : I do the usual steps, but the screen isn't complete (but I still can save it without issue)
¤ Webpage URL causing this problem : https://www.perlesandco.com/Boucles-doreilles-avec-des-perles-creuses-realisees-en-pate-polymere-s-2961-12.html (but it's not the only one)


When I try to screen this webpage, Fireshot seems to ignore the bottom, and everytime I try it cuts exactely at the same place. Yet, I still can do perfect screenshot of other pages of this same website... some are even longer than this one so I don't think the lenght has a role in it.

Screenshot of the issue

But other fails too, like this one : https://www.perlesandco.com/Torque-ou-ras-de-cou-polymere-effet-Malachite-s-3564-12.html, where I loose almost half of the page.

I hope you can help me smile
Posted:  29 Aug 2018 17:54
Hello, I checked the links, and my FireShot captures these pages nicely. Do you see any specific errors in the console log? Can you try pre-scrolling down the page before capturing?
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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Posted:  01 Sep 2018 03:02
Well, this is strange... I, indeed, tried pre-scrolling down before capturing, just in case, but nothing change.

I have almost no knowledgse in web developpement so I wanted to show you the log... but the code is far too long, and when I want to show only the errors, the message refuses to be posted... how can I give you this information ?
Posted:  01 Sep 2018 06:46
Hello Lynna,

You can send the log to contacts@getfireshot.com

Many thanks.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  13 Sep 2018 18:14

I just sent the email, sorry for the (very) late reply.

Well, thanks to YOU, you're the one trying to help me ^^
Posted:  18 Sep 2018 22:40
Thank you Lynna for the logs. Unfortunately, I can't see anything suspicious in that log. Can you please try these 2 things:

- Update to the latest  0.98.95 version
- Try Chrome browser for capturing this site

FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  23 Sep 2018 00:42

It appears that with Chrome it works perfectly : I managed to screen each page that was cropped in their entirety without any issues. Apparently Firefox is at fault here, which is too bad since I like it better than chrome... (I had to download it for your test)

Well thank you for your help ! smile
Pages: 1

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