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Insufficient memory message - cant open 20 mb png; says evaluation copy; stopped working in firefox

Pages: 1
Posted:  29 Aug 2016 05:53
Fireshot stopped working in firefox. (still worked in IE)

Just tried to reopen a png I saved with fireshot, 20 mb, got message it would be stored in RAM (I have 1TB hard drive less than 1/2 full) then message insufficient memory, need at least 3101 mb Ram
win 8.1 professional
16GB memory, approx 40% available,
Used the firefox menu bar to open the file
It is a png file saved by fireshot, on my PC.

ALSO: I registered, now it says it is an evaluation copy and wont accept the key - message says must be a valid key (copy/pasted, its the correct key)
Pages: 1



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