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I can't bear the cost of software defects any longer. Life is too short, and I am not a lab rat.

Pages: 1
Posted:  06 Apr 2019 15:56
This message is written for YOU, not the community.

Why  does Fire shot forget who I am and what my status is every time i update my browser has become a major problem for me.  Are you aware of this problem?  THe meta problem is, at least on Firefox, the software does not behave as if it had a functional authentication script.  I have signed back in on numerous equations and have reinstalled Firefox numerous times to launch a "clean new start), BUT . it continues to forget/not learn that I am a current and long-term subscriber
Please fix.  I'm less than an inch away from Bagging your software altogether - software which I used to love and used 100% of the time when taking screen shots.  But, today, over 50% of all instances where I want to use it ends up in treating me like a new customer and forces me through the steps of establishing a new account.

Not a tenable situation for me.   I'll give you 6 more months,  I frankly don't care whose fault it is: every major ecosystem/web contender is trying to seduce me into using their systems and, collectively, buying apps is a huge waste of time and money.  Part of a phenomenom I have watched since early 90s  Today, versus 3 years ago, my productivity is HURT not helped by "improvements"   or recurrent glitches like the one I described.  Grabbing me by the collar and banging my face into the hood of the car every week to validate that I am a legitimate user is making me crazy and, left unchanged, will force me to kill the service.

Dropbox who held virtually all  my personal information as part of their aggressive push to using their offline service but lost most of my files and folders - with NO apology whatsoever, to say nothing of compensation for wasting 350+ hours reconstituting the architecture of my filing system and verifying that all the files were there and that they were the correct files.   I can no longer use my time as cost-free collateral damage screwups - yours, Google's, Apples, Adobe's Amazon, etc.  I'm sure it's heady to be working in these crazy times.  I just don't feel l should be required to sacrifice my productivity to fund overly ambitious visions for the future.  Too expensive for me.  Too many "economic externalities" are being thrown on shoulders of people like me in the form of software error.  I've stopped playing that game.  My new strategy is: shoot em all, let god sort them out.  Snipper.  Not so bad.  Very predictable.  Never interrogates me to confirm my identity.

Pages: 1



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