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How to auto-save snapshot in Chrome WITHOUT any prompt?

Pages: 1
Posted:  30 Aug 2012 07:36
When I click on the Fireshot icon in toolbar in Firefox then the snapshot is AUTOMATICALLY saved into my defined directory. Fine.

That is exactly what I want to do under Chrome as well.

But after click the Fireshot Icon in Chrome toolbar the context menu appears offering what to do.
If I click e.g. "Capture entire page and save" I am prompted for the save directory.

How can I let this Chrome automatically do?
I can't find the settings for "auto-save in the user dir".

Posted:  01 Sep 2012 07:01
Ah, I think, it can be a bit tricky wink

First of all, you'll need to open one of the captures in the Editor, then click Save, choose required options and do not forget to check the checkbox at the bottom of the dialog "Display this dialog only when SHIFT is pressed" and press OK. Having done that, make sure the dialog is not displayed anymore when you select "Capture and Save". If everything is OK, then all you need is to setup a hot key for your default action and you're done!
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  01 Sep 2012 10:04
Sorry, this does not work. Meanwhile I tried out almost all options - without success.
Have a look at the following snapshot:


Is the default action for click on toolbar icon only available in "Pro"?

Do I (in contrast to Firefox version) need a Hotkey for silent save? I want a toolbar clickability

Posted:  16 Sep 2012 20:45
I think this is just the same as Chrome. We cannot change the download directory. No biggie and I can live with this.
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