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Firefox screenshots got lost after replacing the browser

Pages: 1
Posted:  07 Apr 2011 20:11   Last Edited By: JK
My Licens;

Sehr geehrte/r Fred Lutz,

Ihre Online-Bestellung auf https://www.screenshot-program.com vom 31.
August 2010, die von Avangate als autorisiertem Anbieter der
ScreenShot Studio Produkte bearbeitet wurde, wurde erfolgreich
abgeschlossen (Referenznummer der Bestellung: 8125311).
Weiter unten finden Sie den Code für Registrierung/Aktivierung der
Lizenz des von Ihnen bestellten Produktes, FireShot Pro for Firefox:

Name: Fred Lutz

As mentione in te heading te software got lost after reinstalling Firefox. Any Idea ow rto overcome this? Just to reinstall ???
Looking forward for a solution
ciao Fred
Posted:  10 Apr 2011 19:56
Thanks for the info.
If you think the trip is the most boring. sbobet in the vehicle that you will travel. sbobet or not will be lost Tired.
Posted:  10 Apr 2011 20:08
Fred, please do not share your licensing info, this is prohibited.

Does this solution work for you: https://screenshot-program.com/sup/index.php?a=vtopic&t=1007 ?
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  29 Jan 2014 19:01
Just a quick question, if the license is already in use and active, there's no way for a person to use this again on a different PC right?
Pages: 1

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