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Button Bar doesn't fit editor window

Pages: 1
Posted:  18 Mar 2011 15:54
I'm using FF 4.0 in Windows XP Pro SP3.

I got Fireshot 0.88 yesterday.  The button bar at the top of the editor window is truncated on the right, cutting off most of the "About" button (don't know if that matters, or if there are more buttons to the right of the "About" button also cut off).

Upgraded to Pro version and paid for it - now I don't see any of the "About" button.
Posted:  04 May 2011 17:18
The button bar at the top of the editor window is truncated on the right, cutting off most of the "About" button

I'm using the Pro version 0.89 with MS Windows XP Professional & SP2 and Firefox 3.6.17.  I've been experiencing this truncation of the menu bar for several versions now.  The menu bar is displayed over to the Options but doesn't show the About menu. This could probably be fixed by having a user option in the preferences to reduce size of the menu bar icons & text. Or is there a trick to getting this to work?
Posted:  04 May 2011 21:03
What screen resolution is used?
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  05 May 2011 01:32
1028 X 768
It's the native resolution of my monitor.  Higher resolutions display the About menu but don't work (i.e., are too difficult to view) with other applications.
Posted:  05 May 2011 13:34
1280 X 800
My monitor won't support higher resolutions.
Pages: 1

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