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Easycaptures site access denied after temporary logoff

Pages: 1
Posted:  24 May 2009 13:57
Dear Webmaster, i have a big problem.
Not sure if there was a topic on this already.
After a few changes in my pages i wanted to see what other people see in my collection. So i logged off.
After i logged in again and wanted to make some more changes, but got "access denied" on every image, can't change my descriptions, can't delete, can't do nothing anymore.
What could be wrong?
Normally i am logged in automatically and at logging in again i checked the "remember me" so something must be very wrong.
It is the account easycaptures.com/Eveline

Webmaster can you please look into my account settings and help me in again?
I'm not sure if i can upload any new images, but i really like to be able to make some urgent changes.
Maybe you need to do this by email, to give some information and login passwords whatever, please let me kwow how this can be fixed as soon as possible!

Thanks a lot!

I think thje problem is in the website, not in Fireshot

Fireshot Pro 0.69 (registered)
Windows XP SP2
Firefox (latest version 3.0.10)
Posted:  24 May 2009 19:37
Just checked your account by logging in and slightly modifying the title of your last capture. Everything works fine.

Try logging in using another browser to check the capabilities, then remove all cookies pointing to easycaptures.com
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Posted:  24 May 2009 22:28
Could it be because there was worked on the site?
It was mostly in the private images.
The site is lots faster this moment too.
Posted:  25 May 2009 03:47
I'm not sure. I didn't do something specific.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Pages: 1

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