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Dropbox, zoom, move elements with arrow keys

Pages: 1
Posted:  11 Apr 2012 12:04
1) Please add Dropbox upload, pretty please? or Imgur, Cloudapp, Droplr, or in fact any host that's more popular and commonly used than what is currently available in Fireshot right now.

2) A zoom in/out function will be really nice for those with large monitors, a fondness for details, and/or non-perfect eyesight.

3) I also wouldn't mind being able to move textboxes, arrows, etc pixel by pixel using the arrow keys. This is basic functionality even in MS Paint.

Posted:  15 Apr 2012 14:57
Hello, thanks.

1,2) Added to the wishlist
3) Hold Ctrl to move the elements pixel-by-pixel
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Posted:  25 Nov 2012 17:19
2) A zoom in/out function will be really nice for those with large monitors, a fondness for details, and/or non-perfect eyesight.

Would love to see that soon please.
Posted:  10 Dec 2012 02:31
I support Imgur and zoom! And I'm not sure if Puush allows integration of any kind, but it would be a complete dream if they did!
Posted:  29 Apr 2013 15:10
2) A zoom in/out function will be really nice for those with large monitors, a fondness for details, and/or non-perfect eyesight.

Really need this.. pretty please.. thumb_up
Thank you
Posted:  06 Feb 2020 15:08
when we will find zoom in editor ?
Posted:  14 Aug 2021 22:34
Nudging the Zoom feature request here in hope of seeing it surface sometime soon
Pages: 1

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