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Trial expired on first load

Pages: 1
Posted:  05 Apr 2012 22:17
Fireshot 0.97.4
Windows 7 64bit
Firefox 11.0

1) I just downloaded the trial.  As soon as I opened Firefox the first time, I got a message saying the Fireshot trial has expired.  It did revert to the free version

2) Secondary question: I can't find any contact information on the website.  If I buy the Pro version, will I get support only by posting problems on the forum?

Thanks, Wayne
Posted:  06 Apr 2012 09:42
Hi, the immediate trial expiration is abnormal. Can you send your fs_fx_settings.ini file to bugfix@screenshot-program.com?

P.S. The support is upon purchase via special support desk. You can also contact with us via contacts@screenshot-program.com
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  06 Apr 2013 22:01
Hi senecakw, were you able to go ahead and purchase the software?
Pages: 1

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