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All my page screenshots are gone?

Pages: 1
Posted:  06 Apr 2012 16:25   Last Edited By: bloob
I haven't logged in for a few months, i needed some pictures i uploaded previously, only to see that ALL my images i ever uploaded are not in my account anymore??

Where did they all go?
Im 100% sure that I didn't delete them.

I would be really sad if they are gone forever, there were some screenhots in there that i really didn't want to lose ..  sad

if i look at "my stats" it shows this:

My numbers

I was registered 2 years ago
I was last seen 9 minutes ago
I uploaded 0 captures
I posted 0 messages

This can't be correct, I uploaded lots of images and i always saw them on the website, but now they all dissapeared
Posted:  06 Apr 2012 16:27
They've gone, sorry. System crash including RAID 1.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  06 Apr 2012 16:27
ohhh sad damn, that sucks.

Oh well, thanks for the fast answer anyway!
Posted:  20 Feb 2014 15:44
Hi guys, I'd like to ask a quick question onto this. Is there a scheduled back up in place to make sure that files won't be lost again?
Pages: 1

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