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Data management - why I haven't donated to or bought screenshot Chrome extension

Pages: 1
Posted:  24 Sep 2008 03:05
I made an SWF for why I haven't bought the screenshot chrome extension, just to explain that it's not enough for what I use the web for.  I might use fireshot rarely but there's not enough functionality for me to purchase the app (i.e. it doesn't save me time/effort).


In many cases it's solving the wrong problem.  Screenshots and capturing documents is something that's been around for a while.  What's needed is an app that does the capturing as well as being able to store and organize it to some degree without corrupting/losing the exactness of the data itself.

There is a problem with too many apps that don't do enough, so the user has to use many different smaller apps to accomplish the tasks he wishes to do and have integrated into one program.
Posted:  24 Sep 2008 06:06   Last Edited By: JK

thanks for the movie and your ideas. Actually I've already thought I need some kind of organizer. Now I have at least the bounds of the problem.
I think I know the name of addon you need. I'll tell you as soon as I get back to my home PC.

Update: got it! Try Scrapbook.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  15 Jun 2014 13:43
Hi Xd, just checking here, did Scrapbook have all the features that you need here?
Pages: 1

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