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Mail being blocked that containn JPG from Fireshot

Pages: 1
Posted:  16 Sep 2008 18:56
Plugin version: FireShot 0.59
OS type and version: Windows XP Professional SP2, English
Version of Firefox: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1

Issue: Mail being sent with Outlook contains a Fireshot JPG attached or embedded and fails to be delivered to recipients inbox. Converting the same image and re-exporting as a JPG using MS Picture Manager, then resending the email resolved the issue.

Steps to reproduce the bug:
I captured an image off of Firefox using Fireshot and added a couple captions and saved as a JPG. I then tried to embed and/or attach the image in an email (I am using outlook) and not all recipients received the email. It seems as though the JPG headers may not conform to a standard which the email server is accepting.
I have copies of both JPG's available if needed.
Posted:  16 Sep 2008 19:10

Nothing special performed with JPEGs...
The logs from mail server will be much appreciated.
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