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Chrome - Fireshot Steals Active Focus on Google.com Search Box

Pages: 1
Posted:  04 Aug 2011 06:52
Before FireShot plugin: Open Chrome, and the Google.com search box is active. Without clicking on the search box, I simply begin typing, and the live search commences.

After Fireshot plugin: Open Chrome, and the Google.com search box has a blinking cursor, but is inactive until I click on it first!

This may see minute, but considering I've even noticed it, personally, it is a nuisance. i can live with it, but would prefer not to  smile

I have no other plugins installed, and have the latest version of Chrome as of this writing.

Posted:  06 Aug 2011 12:05
Posted:  06 Aug 2011 12:05
Posted:  06 Aug 2011 12:06
Plugin version (FireShot 0.45)
OS type and version (Win7 x64 Ultimate, and on Pro)
Chrome browser
Posted:  20 Aug 2011 05:23
Yes, such problem confirmed, thanks!
Still haven't found any proper solution.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  05 Sep 2013 20:20
Any updates on this yet if the current version resolved this issue?
Pages: 1

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