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FireShot v.0.91, v0.90 + others not working. Camera click sound by no capture, edi tools, etc.

Pages: 1
Posted:  29 Jul 2011 16:10
Plugin version: FireShot 0.91, 0.90 (and other versions)
OS: MS Windows XP, Home Ed, Version 2002, SP 3
Firefox: 3.6.18

FireShot has suddenly stopped working. I have not changed any other software on my system. FS was just working one day and not the next. I'm exerpiencing same issues as other posts mention. ("Updates" pop-up window and no version working no matter which I try.)

I tried reinstalling. Didn't work. Tried reinstalling older version. Didn't work. Same thing keeps happening. Looks like it is installed but won't actually capture., It makes the camera CLICK sound when I select FireShot but then nothing else happens. No navigation bar comes up with choices of what I want to do. And the shot doesn't get saved to the clipboard. It doesn't get saved anywhere.

I've tried changing various options in preferences, still doesn't work. I've tried accessing the program thru the toolbar icon, the TOOLS drop down menu, and the icons at bottom right of browser window. Program appears to be installed but it just doesn't work.

When the 0.91 version is installed (the latest that has been reviewed) and I try to use the program I get a pop-up that says "Update is available. Please update". If I hit OK nothing happens. The pop-up just stays there. If I X out of the pop-up it goes away and I am taken to this page: https://screenshot-program.com/downloads.php (FYI:I don't get that pop-up with earlier versions. Regardless, of the pop-up, still no version I try is working.)

FireShot was working fine and now it just isn't. I have not installed other programs or done anything new. Just one day it worked, next day no. I don't understand why the program suddenly stopped working nor why I get the camera click sound, am able to access preferences, but do not get the actual capture.

I do not see anything in the Error Consule.

I looked at the support forum: https://screenshot-program.com/sup/  and other people seem to be having the same problem. But I can't find a fix.


I use it a lot and need it!!
Posted:  29 Jul 2011 22:25
The same issue happened to me (Firefox 3.5.19), except at the first time when 0.91 stopped working there was a little pop-up window asking me to upgrade.  Of course, this is not possible using Tools -> Add-ons -> Find Updates, because 0.92 has not yet been reviewed on https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/fireshot/versions/ ... really irritating ... it always happens when I'm in a rush.  Also, this is not the first time (the same issue occurred for previous updates), the author appears to break existing installations as soon as a new version has been released, totally ignoring that not everyone has the ability, desire or opportunity to upgrade immediately.  Whilst it is useful to be alerted about updates, breaking a current installation this way feels like the author has left a backdoor into the installed add-on.

Anyway, the only solution I can offer is to go to the above URL with a web browser other than Firefox, and download the .xpi file for 0.92 and manually install it.

In any case, many thanks for this free add-on, it has been really useful - I hope this information helps to make it even better.
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