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Character conversion is no longer possible

Pages: 1
Posted:  22 Jun 2021 09:27
There was a problem that characters were not converted even if they were entered.
Character conversion is not possible.
Thank you for your support.
I am posting by translating from Japanese to English with the Google Translate app.

FireShot 0.99.1
Windows7 latest version
Google chrome latest version
Occurs when entering characters on the edit screen
Same for all web pages
Posted:  23 Jun 2021 01:16

For Japanese, when converting to Kanji, enter multiple alphabets and convert them into one character.
However, only one alphabet can be converted, and if you enter multiple alphabets, it will be confirmed and conversion will not be possible.

Please tell me how to improve it.  I look forward to working with you.
Posted:  23 Jun 2021 18:38
Thank you very much for your report. We're researching this problem.
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Posted:  23 Jun 2021 19:21
Thank you. I bought a second pro license from the link.
Until the other day, I was able to convert characters normally, but after clicking the OK button for the update displayed on the screen, I can no longer convert characters.
Posted:  26 Jun 2021 02:24   Last Edited By: JK
For Japanese, when converting to Kanji, enter multiple alphabets and convert them into one character.
However, only one alphabet can be converted, and if you enter multiple alphabets, it will be confirmed and conversion will not be possible.

Can you tell me please, how do you enter the Kanji - are you using a 3rd party program or is it a Microsoft keyboard IME added to the languages list? Can you please make a short video?

Appreciate your help.
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Posted:  26 Jun 2021 05:16
Thanks for your support.
I prepared a short video.

You can watch the video in a limited release from this link.

In this video, if you type "gosoudann" and press the spacebar, all the characters will be converted at the same time to normal Japanese.

「Normal operation」
This video uses Notepad to enter characters with IME and ATOK.
In this video, if you type "gosoudann" and press the spacebar, all the characters will be converted at the same time to normal Japanese.

「FireShot screen operation」
This video is the edit screen of FireShot Pro.
I have entered "gosoudann", but the characters have been confirmed during the entry and cannot be converted to normal Japanese.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Posted:  27 Jun 2021 03:13
Thank you for the videos. That's now much more clear. thumb_up
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Posted:  28 Jun 2021 00:08
It was good.  Thank you for watching the video.  I'm looking forward to improving character conversion.  Thank you for your cooperation.
Posted:  05 Jul 2021 13:12
Thank you for the update.
I confirmed it immediately.
Unfortunately, it is still not possible to convert to accurate Japanese.
I made the video again.
Please take a look at the operation after this update.
You must type "go soudann" and press the spacebar to convert all the characters you typed at once.
Otherwise, you will not be able to convert to accurate Japanese.
Currently, it is not possible to convert all characters at once.
Before pressing the space key, the characters are fixed in the middle and not all characters can be converted at once, so it is not converted to accurate Japanese.
I look forward to improvement.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Posted:  16 Jul 2021 11:41   Last Edited By: JK
Hello. I've created a test version.
The instructions are the following:

1. Download the library
2. Close Chrome
3. Put the file SSS.dll to the folder: %appdata%\FireShot\0.99.01 - replace existing library. The best way to reach this folder is to open a File Explorer (by pressing Win + E) and put the path %appdata%\FireShot\0.99.01 into the address bar.
4. Start Chrome and try the new version.

Can you please test a new build and tell me if the problem is fixed?
Many thanks.
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Posted:  26 Jul 2021 07:48
Thanks for your support.
I opened Explorer with win + E and searched for "% appdata% \ FireShot \ 0.99.01", but it did not appear in the search results on my computer.
So I searched for "FireShot" in my hard drive and found the folder.
It is displayed as shown in the picture of the link below, and I replaced the "SSS.dll" in it with the newly downloaded "SSS.dll" as instructed.
Is there any problem with this method of mine?

In that state, I started Chrome and tried "FireShot".
I have entered the same "go soudann" and "15,000" as last time.
I made a video.
"Gosoudann" doesn't seem to be converted to normal Japanese yet.
"15,000" is not converted even if you click the "f8" key.

In the video below, I'm using Notepad to enter "gosoudann" and "15,000".
The place where you enter "+ f8" after "15,000" is the number converted with the "f8" key.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but thank you for your support.
Posted:  01 Aug 2021 14:49
Thank you. The version 0.99.15 is live and it contains a fix to that problem. The update is rolled out slowly, and you can manually remove/reinstall FireShot using this page: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/take-webpage-screenshots/mcbpblocgmgfnpjjppndjkmgjaogfceg
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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Posted:  03 Aug 2021 08:41
Thank you!
I confirmed it immediately.
Japanese and number conversion are also working properly.
Thank you very much.
I am very happy that you have solved it.
Thank you for your support.
Best wishes for your good health and happiness.
Posted:  05 Aug 2021 02:21
Thank you for your update! I'm glad to see the problem solved.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
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