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Can't save page screenshots to my PC's local desktop-- they only save to the OneDrive desktop

Pages: 1
Posted:  01 Aug 2020 16:04
Despite selecting "Miscellaneous - Options - Editor Options - Environment - Specify Working Folder - Desktop" and the selection window saying "C:\Users\myname\Desktop" and then clicking "Okay" and "Save and Close," captured images continue to save in the OneDrive Desktop instead.

How do I make them save on the computer's local Desktop?
I'm using "Fireshot for Chrome 0.98.98 in Windows 10 Pro

Here's what seems to be the applicable message in the log:
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied for this document.
    at window.onmessage (chrome-extension://alncdjedloppbablonallfbkeiknmkdi/js/content/content.js:5:245527)
Pages: 1



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