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Automatically Upgraded

Pages: 1
Posted:  15 Aug 2009 01:31
It automatically upgraded me to Pro...which is cool and all but I am going on vacation for a month so that part is not cool.  I just loaded this darn thing and that kind of bugginess is a bit concerning...  Just thought I would let you know.  As far as I know, it is not supposed to right?
Posted:  15 Aug 2009 06:52
It could not be upgraded automatically. This is what I know for sure. Moreover, you can always switch it back from the editor.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  21 Aug 2009 02:38
It did the same thing to me. All of sudden it said successful when I never chose to switch to pro or download pro. I am guessing it is something in the auto updates? I am turning off my automatic updates if there is an option. You have to click resume editing to go to the page that shows where you can switch version.
Posted:  21 Aug 2009 02:40
Another guess is if you as well searched for updates in the extension section/add ons of firefox. Then updated once it mentioned being an upgrade available.
Posted:  06 Oct 2009 19:58
I clicked on an icon on the lower right of my Firefox window and the next thing I know I'm being congratulated for upgrading to the Pro version!! I don't want it and if there's a charge, I will not pay. I don't know what you mean about removing it in the editor. Please advise. Thanks.
Posted:  06 Oct 2009 20:04
Please don't pay if you don't want to.
The program will be switched to basic version after the trial expires.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  08 Oct 2009 20:32
To JK (and, I hope, your employers),
   I - like Camper, invisibleman, and justpics - got upgraded to FS-Pro without my consent almost immediately after installing the free extension (apparently by an accidental click on something, I think).  I do want to make use of the trial period, but not until after I have a chance to become familiar with the free version, so I can compare.
   I came here to report the bug and learn how to undo the switch.  Instead I found your denials and refusal to give any useful guidance regarding how to switch back.
   I just want you to know that now that I've seen the poor standard of support available to Pro users, I'm much less likely to buy the upgrade. 
   I suggest you add either a confirmation dialog or an automatic "how-to-revert" instruction when people upgrade to Pro.
   For anyone else brought here by the same problem, don't waste your time hunting through all the menus like I did.  You can go back to the free version by clicking a link on the bottom right of the Pro editor.
Posted:  28 Nov 2011 19:27
I was also switched to the Pro trial a month ago. Now the trial is expired, but instead of swithing me in the basic mode, i cannot user Fireshot at all - it always requests me to purchase the pro version.
How can I fix it?
txs for the answer!
Posted:  20 Jun 2013 21:31
Regarding with the basic version, is there a significant difference before and now?>
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