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FireShot .77-IE won't re-install on Windows Vista 64-bit/IE8, and FireShot toolbar listing remains

Pages: 1
Posted:  31 Jul 2009 23:42
FireShot .77-IE
MS Windows Vista, English, with all service packs/upgrades; 64-bit
Internet Explorer 8

Steps to reproduce bug: 

Install FireShot on IE8 after and as part of successfully installing FireShot as an add-on to Firefox 3.5.1 and receiving a FireShot pop-up asking if it's desired to also install FireShot into IE 8 as well--answer yes; uninstall FireShot from IE8, after it's been successfully installed--FireShot is uninstalled from IE8 but a FireShot toolbar listing remains under IE8 View/Toolbars, and selecting it and enabling or disabling FireShot does nothing.  Re-installing FireShot into IE8 seems to go smoothly but FireShot fails to appear in IE8 (apart from as a non-functioning toolbar listing, as noted above). 

How do I:

--  get rid of the FireShot toolbar listing in IE8?
--  and/or get FireShot to re-install under IE8?

Mutiple install attempts have not worked; nor has exiting IE8 nor restarting the computer.

Posted:  01 Aug 2009 00:09
After further work/exploration:  choosing the "Integrate into Internet Explorer" option in the FireShot menue in FireFox (where I still had FireShot installed) has made FireShot operable again under Internet Explorer as well, what I wanted.

But a question remains:  if I want to eliminate FireShot, including its View/Toolbars listing, in IE8, can that be done?  Or will the IE8 View/Toolbars listing remain unless/until I uninstall FireShot under Foxfire?

Perhaps explaining some of the above, the original issue may have come about because I had tried to reinstall FireShot into IE8 by using the separate FireShot for IE software--I had not been aware of the Firefox/FireShot Integrate into Internet Explorer option.
Posted:  01 Aug 2009 06:26
To be able installing/uninstalling fireshot into IE, please use standalone setup: https://screenshot-program.com/fireshot_ie_install.zip
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