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Vertical scrolling

Pages: 1
Posted:  14 Aug 2009 15:22
Does anyone else have the problem that when you edit an entire page, the vertical scrollbar is disabled? So, you cannot click on it. Am I doing something completely stupid? Using Pro 0.77 and have the same problem with IE or FF
Posted:  14 Aug 2009 15:24
Upgraded to 0.78 but that didn't help
Posted:  14 Aug 2009 15:25
Oh and horizontal scrolling works perfectly fine smile
Not had this problem before but just installed Fireshot on a new machine.
Posted:  15 Aug 2009 06:50
I'm hearing about this problem first time.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
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Posted:  23 Aug 2009 18:38
FYI, I just installed Fireshot 0.78 plugin, Firefox 3.0.13, running under Vista 32bit.

As OP says, the vertical scroll wheel doesn't work, have to drag the scroll bar marker up and down on vertical scroll bar in order to scroll.

It seems that the focus is fixed on the left side of the screen in the area where previous captures are stored, because when I move the mouse wheel, the little pictures of the screen captures move from side to side.
Posted:  24 Aug 2009 05:35
Well, but what is happened when you click the editor area? Does it start working?
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  25 Aug 2009 03:59
No, it don't make any difference clicking in editing area.  The focus stays on the left side preview area.

Having no mouse scroll wheel is not a big problem for me, I can just drag the vertical scroll marker up/down.  I only posted in reply to the original poster and so you know a problem exists.
Pages: 1

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