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Working links in webpages screenshots saved to pdfs on Firefox

Pages: 1
Posted:  07 Mar 2018 16:38
Hi, I note from other posts from 2016 on the forum that working links in pdf captures had been implemented only in Chrome at that time, but this functionality would be included for Firefox in future.
I have recently purchased Pro and have found that links in pdfs still work only in Chrome and not in Firefox.
Please could you update me on whether you still intend to provide working links in Firefox pdf captures and, if so, approximately when?
I really need this capability as Firefox is my default browser and I prefer not to use Chrome or IE.
Many thanks.

Plugin version 0.98.93 on two laptops
On laptop 1, Windows 8.1 Pro, 64 bit, with all latest updates; On laptop 2, Windows 10 Pro, 64 bit, version 1709 OS Build 16299.248
Firefox 56.0.2 (64 bit) on laptop 1; Firefox 56.0 (64 bit) on laptop 2
Pdfs produced on Firefox using 'capture entire page (or any other size option) / save as pdf' result in pdfs in which the links in the captured web page are not active (do not work).
In Chrome, same instruction as above produces pdfs in which most links do work correctly.
Same on all web pages tested.
Pages: 1



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