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Will there be a Free-Version for Firefox 12?

Pages: 1
Posted:  26 Apr 2012 10:56
Just like the Topic it said. I updated my Firefox to 12 and now the old Fireshot is incompatible. At the addons-page of Mozilla is still the 0.97.1-Version. The Fireshot (fireshot_98_3_amosite.xpi)at https://screenshot-program.com/fireshot/amo.php seems or rather is (Website title says it too) the Pro-Version because I get this Message when saving with 98.3-Version:

"fireshot pro trial expired

your 30 day trial is over and we offer you to purchase fireshot pro"

So my question is, will there be a Free-Version again available at the Mozilla-Addons-Website or on some other website like Amo's. I thought Amo's link hosts the Free-Version but right now it doesn't.
Posted:  26 Apr 2012 11:09
No, sorry.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  26 Apr 2012 20:55
Since when isn't Fireshot available for Free and only in the Pro-Version.
Posted:  21 Jul 2012 21:27
I would revert to an earlier FF version here and use chrome as my default browser for the meantime.
Pages: 1

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