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What's this?

Pages: 1
Posted:  14 Jul 2009 04:50
Sometimes when I try to upload an edited screenie, I get this page: https://i32.tinypic.com/24kxdma.png

Then my screenie gets lost and I have to make another one. sad

Is that limit of the Free version or is it some kind of bug?
I really would like to know that, cause I don't want to waste time on addons which are unreliable.
Posted:  14 Jul 2009 05:38
So you press "Upload button" and this page is loaded?
Are there any other pages belonging to easycaptures.com before you see that?

p.s. This is a bug, but not FireShot's. Something with the browser or site I suspect.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  15 Jul 2009 01:09
So you press "Upload button" and this page is loaded?


Are there any other pages belonging to easycaptures.com before you see that?

nope. it just appears instead of normal Fireshot logging screen and it happens every now and then.  unsure

p.s. This is a bug, but not FireShot's. Something with the browser or site I suspect.

huh! if you need to know, I use many addons, and I use Fireshot pretty long time.
that "bug" was the case even when I had Fx 2.  sad
btw, I use all newest versions of Fireshot and Fx 3 (still not moved on 3.5).
I can't tell which website is responsible for this and why, the only possibility is that some addons are "fighting" each other?  :S
Pages: 1

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