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strange behaviour after reinstall

Pages: 1
Posted:  13 Jul 2009 19:38
FireShot Pro for Firefox v 0.77
Windows XP Professional SP2, English
Firefox/3.0.11 GTB5

Recently I did a re-install of Firefox and therefore needed to re-install Fireshot Pro as well. After that Fireshot has been behaving strangely and I don't know what I have to do to get it back like it used to be.

First I use Photoshop as external editor, but if I click "capture entire page" and "open in external editor", Photoshop opens, but then I receive a new file screen where I have to fill in the width and height. Even if I fill in sth large and press CTRL V thereafter, obviously nothing happens.

The only way to get it properly in Photoshop is to first capture the page then go to edit, then select all, then copy and then I can do File New in Photoshop. Before this was a LOT easier.

Also I am experiencing a bug ever now and then that when I capture a page, a box with the page's URL is integrated in the page. That is very irritating and should not happen.

I want my old Fireshot Pro back!
Posted:  14 Jul 2009 05:43
1 - Photoshop. Possibly you're using wrong command line parameters, so Photoshop can not detect you're trying to load file.
2 - URL box. Use Options, "Capturing" tab to switch it off.
FireShot Pro Pro Full Webpage Screenshots will be moving to a subscription model soon!
There's a last chance to purchase a Lifetime License and get a 33% discount! - https://getfireshot.com/buy.php
Posted:  14 Jul 2009 09:27
Thanks for the capturing tip, I'll check that!

re Photoshop, that would be very weird wouldn't it, as I didn't change in Photoshop. As I mentioned in previous message, I <strong>only</strong> reinstalled Firefox...
Pages: 1

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