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Web capture Distortion

Pages: 1
Posted:  24 May 2016 07:10

(all tech info on the last paragraph)

Noticed there is a little distortion whenever capturing a web page, both to an image format or to pdf format (the latest renders a little better results).

The whole content does get captured, in general, however there is definitely a difference in quality compared to the original web page.

Can you please advise on what method would be providing the best results, and if there is any method to fine tune the image quality?

I am using Windows 7 Professional, google chrome 50.0.2661.102, and the latest version of Fireshot (donwloaded today - 05-25-16). In order to reproduce the issue, I just select to capture entire webpage and either save it as pdf of any image format (png, bmp...).  This difference shows up in any web page captured.

Posted:  26 May 2016 11:01
Hello, do you have a problem on both browsers? What zoom ratio are you using? Can you please provide a sample?
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